API Keys

Contains endpoints to view, create and delete API keys and view rate limits on API keys

Lists other API Keys attached to this account with their keyId

GET https://api.aquanow.io/users/v1/apiKey

keyId can be helpful in retrieving rate limits for the api keys.

To view example requests for this endpoint, visit Aquanow's Postman documentation.


Returns an array of APIKeysObject.

    "keyId": "0digjc6pq2",
    "updatedAt": 1554920562214,
    "userName": "helloWorld",
    "createdAt": 1554920562214,
    "key": "JzpgMkbrjx8JRxCUc6hw63W4xEhCWgN78TocdAKt",
    "type": "regular"

An alternative way for creating an API key

POST https://api.aquanow.io/users/v1/apiKey

You need to have an existing API key to use this endpoint. Note that there's currently a limit of 5 active API keys per user.

To view example requests for this endpoint, visit Aquanow's Postman documentation.


Returns an array of APIKeysObject.

  "keyId": "cv1xbk2p68",
  "type": "regular",
  "createdAt": 1554920562214,
  "userName": "helloWorld",
  "key": "bF0fEYtL9S4w0xXYDkXR72O6tWXt4EM6rS84bHcj",

Deletes API key by its keyId

DELETE https://api.aquanow.io/users/v1/apiKey?key=<Key>

To view example requests for this endpoint, visit Aquanow's Postman documentation.

Query Parameters


Returns an array of APIKeysObject.

  "keyId": "ou5iowf7pl",
  "updatedAt": 1673044308503,
  "userName": "helloWorld",
  "createdAt": 1673044308503,
  "key": "tuR4TrJwo94oLNHBfq99V9WaCF8tTxIS6l8Ns3Iy",
  "type": "regular"

Lists current usage limit for the day

GET https://api.aquanow.io/users/v1/apiKeyUsage

To view example requests for this endpoint, visit Aquanow's Postman documentation.


    "HHhudBNd5W99Nb23FUXGV4gW3eQD7K6fGZkdcI": {
        "endDate": "2024-02-15",
        "items": {
            "l012hn9f1a": [
        "startDate": "2024-02-15",
        "usagePlanId": "fao4ht"
    "Vr2TNpJqQGlpxJ6PTWL163f9yQPzCBabgblMKpc": {
        "endDate": "2024-02-15",
        "items": {},
        "startDate": "2024-02-15",
        "usagePlanId": "fao4ht"