Approval Workflows
Integrating user approval workflows with Aquanow
Clients with multiple users accessing the same trading account can create child users with different access rights, including trading and withdrawing.
Approval workflows adds a layer of control and oversight to our clients, ensuring that trades and withdrawals initiated by certain users are reviewed and approved by users with higher privileges. The parent account, or a child user with approver rights must approve the trade/withdrawal before it is processed and finalized. The approval process for this right is controlled in the "Pending Approvals" tab, which is at the right of Trade History.
Example Workflow: Child user with no withdrawal rights:
A child user with no withdraw rights logs in and initiates the withdrawal in the portal.
The withdrawal request remains in a Pending state until it receives approval from a user with higher privileges.
The child user that initiated the withdrawal can only view this request and cancel it on the Pending approvals screen. These users have no authority to approve it.
When a pending approval is approved, the request status is updated to "Approved" and the request begins processing. Afterwards, the trade/withdrawal can be viewed under the Trade/Transaction History tab, respectively.