Approvals API

Contains all endpoints regarding approval requests. Approval requests allow child users without direct withdrawal access to create a request to be reviewed.

This feature enables users who do not have direct withdrawal permission to initiate a withdrawal request that can then be reviewed by a user with approval permission.

Approvers have the option to approve or reject a request, while users who initiate a request have the ability to only cancel their own request.

Fetch approval requests


Fetches the approval(s) given by the query parameter. NOTE: One of startTime or approvalId must be given as a query parameter. Query parameters can not be combined.

Query Parameters

Returns an ApprovalsObject.

    "payload": {
        "transactionType": "WITHDRAW",
        "symbol": "ETH",
        "address": "0xf6aCc5f01BCE41860B425bcaDfD7ce5ABcc19ECq",
        "quantity": 0.4
    "action": "WITHDRAW",
    "requestedBy": "childUser",
    "approvalId": "d0a83d6f-d63b-4c11-a673-3ab0a4191eb5",
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "created": "2023-05-17T17:21:04.238Z",
    "username": "rootUser",
    "reviewRecords": [
            "reviewedAt": "2023-06-05T18:35:52.531Z",
            "comment": "request approved",
            "reviewedBy": "rootUser",
            "status": "APPROVED"
    "entity": "Approval",
    "resource": "BALANCE"

Create an approval request


Please specify either grossQuantity or quantity inside the payload.

Request Body

Returns an ApprovalsObject.

    "approvalId": "9q2f0fd8-1714-4pdc-b1a5-c8ue388704We",
    "resource": "BALANCE",
    "action": "WITHDRAW",
    "payload": {
        "address": "0xf6aCc8f06BCEw5760B425bcaDfQ7ce5ABcd19ECa",
        "symbol": "ETH",
        "quantity": 0.4,
        "transactionType": "WITHDRAW",
        "networkFee": 0.01
    "username": "rootUser",
    "requestedBy": "childUser",
    "reviewRecords": [],
    "status": "PENDING"

Cancel an approval request


NOTE: Users can only cancel their own approval requests while the request status is PENDING.

Request Body

Returns an ApprovalsObject.

    "approvalId": "58d5081e-82dc-4tcw-a820-8440e4dfo9c0",
    "status": "CANCELLED"

Review an approval request


User with approver permissions can approve or reject an approval request while the status is PENDING.

Request Body

Returns an ApprovalsObject.

    "approvalId": "58w5081e-82dc-49cw-a820-844oe4dfq9t4",
    "status": "APPROVED"

Last updated