Contains all endpoints regarding approval requests. Approval requests allow child users without direct withdrawal access to create a request to be reviewed.
This feature enables users who do not have direct withdrawal permission to initiate a withdrawal request that can then be reviewed by a user with approval permission.
Approvers have the option to approve or reject a request, while users who initiate a request have the ability to only cancel their own request.
Fetch approval requests
Fetches the approval(s) given by the query parameter.
NOTE: One of startTime or approvalId must be given as a query parameter. Query parameters can not be combined.
{"message":"Query time range must be within 90 days"}
{"message":"Query endTime must be later than startTime"}
{ "message": "Invalid KeyConditionExpression: The BETWEEN operator requires upper bound to be greater than or equal to lower bound; lower bound operand: AttributeValue: {S:2023-11-T08:00:00.000Z}, upper bound operand: AttributeValue: {S:2023-06-13T21:20:48.821Z}"
{"message":"Invalid query parameters"}
{"message":"Record not found"}
{"message":"Invalid query parameters"}
Create an approval request
Please specify either grossQuantity or quantity inside the payload.