CSV Exports

Exporting account balances, trade summaries, and transaction history

Exporting User Balances

The bottom right section of Dashboard contains the User Balance section, which has information about the crypto and fiat account balances.

Select the top right download button in the User Balance section to download account's table data in CSV form.

Optionally, use the "Hide Empty Balances" toggle to exclude empty balances from the export.

The file will be downloaded as <username>_balances.csv.

Exporting Deposit/Withdrawal History

First, navigate to 'Transaction History' using the top menu.

Deposits/Withdrawals can be filtered by a date range. The default date range is 7 days.

The user can then select 'CSV Export' to initiate the CSV download. The file will be downloaded as <startDate>_<endDate>_deposit_withdraw.csv

Deposit/Withdraw table only shows a maximum of 1000 items.

Exporting Trade Summary

Select Trade History from the top menu.

Filter trades by a date range and select Custom Export. The default date range is 7 days.

Confirm the time range and optionally select All Order, then Fetch Data.

Once the file is ready to download, select Download.

The file will be downloaded as aquanow-trade-summary.csv.

Exporting Autopilot Addresses/Orders

The displayed Autopilot addresses for each coin can be exported as needed. Exports for autopilot addresses will be formatted as:

<YYYY-MM-DD HH_MM_SS>_autopilot_addresses.csv

Users can also export a breakdown on their autopilot orders including Tag ID, Order ID, Date, Amount Received, etc. Exports for autopilot orders will be formatted as:

<YYYY-MM-DD HH_MM_SS>_autopilot_orders.csv